My permissions for sharing my content are as follows:

  • Do not plainly repost my resources on Fetlife or another website, whether credit is given or not. Instead of copying-and-pasting my content, directly link to the original article on Fetlife on my personal profile, on SeraDeep / Sera Deep Fetlife’s profile, or on I frequently update my materials–I therefore consider blatantly taking my content as not only disrespectful to me, but potentially harmful to others should it be out of date.
  • I’m happy to have my writings shared with kink groups for discussions. More discussion and sharing is good!
    • For online groups (Fetlife, Discord, social media, and other discussion spaces): Please do not repost in full and instead of copying-and-pasting my content, link to the article on Fetlife on my personal profile, on SeraDeep / Sera Deep Fetlife’s profile, or on to help continue signal boosting.
    • For offline in-person groups (local kink groups, conventions, and other in-person settings): Feel welcome to print the article. Please attribute it by also including a link to the article on Fetlife on my personal profile, on SeraDeep / Sera Deep Fetlife’s profile, or on to help continue signal boosting.
  • I don’t want commentary I didn’t compose attributed to me via live presenting my resources in my steed, so if you do a live presentation please attribute the resource by linking back to the article on Fetlife on my personal profile, on SeraDeep / Sera Deep Fetlife’s profile, or on, but also make it clear that commentary is your own and that the written form of a live presentation is stated by me as the author to be incomplete.
  • Interested in having me present, at your local Minneapolis kink group or elsewhere? Contact me with a DM over on Fetlife:

Find my kink educational resources here: Kink Education