I’m Sera: Erotic Hypnotist, content creator, facilitator and educator in the Minneapolis kink scene. I’ve been around the Minneapolis BDSM community and practicing hypnosis for around a decade now. Find my erotic hypnosis files here: Erotic Hypnosis File List

This website serves double-duty as hypnosis content and kink education: for locally in the Minneapolis kink community, and beyond it! You can read about my values and the Sera Deep brand here: Values and Mission Statement

Below, you can find all my links!

Kink Education, Hypnosis & Lewds

SeraDeep.com: Homepage

My Erotic Hypnosis Patreon

My Fetlife and Writings       

Under Construction… Stay Tuned!

OnlyFans (Under Construction!)

Chaturbate(Under Construction!)


Lovense Wishlist

Affiliate Links

Lovense Affiliate Link